Reviews - Keith Mcconnell Official

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Shillingstone Reviews

Novel By Keith McConnell
“So  many interesting threads to note throughout the story.  The ending of the story was a surprise to me. A charming surprise.”
Marie Flanary,  Retired teacher

I am not much of a reader, but on receiving your book, I just couldn’t put it down! It is absolutely brilliant! I can relate to most of the things written – places, names of people and so on. The story was excellent. Very well done.
Diana Lewis,  Editor of the Shillingstone Parish Magazine

A racquet ball friend.  I am impressed by your creativity to make the plot develop itself substantially and quite dramatically to make the readers feel suspended by curiosity and to bring them to many unexpected locations of the world. You certainly know how to sustain the curiosity of readers, supplying new situations with substance and intrigues.
Ko-ichi Shiozawa

A few days ago I finished reading the novel Shillingsdtone. I enjoyed it a lot. I love reading a novel which makes me think about life….choices that we make….and how it affects much of our life going forward.
Marilyn Sawchenko, retired nurse from Nova Scotia
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Readers of the epic novel TRANSPORTED and their comments:

Epic novel by Keith McConnell
McConnell has clearly done an extraordinary amount of research in multiple areas to come up with this extraordinary view into the world of the mid 19th century, covering important events in the histories of England, Australia and the US, among others. He also manages to vividly portray how individuals lived in that setting and dealt with the challenges they faced on a human level. The intricate web of his story line ties together nicely the multiple historical development developments of the time in a way that makes them exceptionally interesting. I also really came to care for the central characters. I look forward to the continuation of their life stories in McConnell’s next book.

Stanley Trollip, a prolific author from Johannesburg South Africa, came highly recommended as an editor. From an early draft of TRANSPORTED he wrote the following: “Keith you should be very proud of your draft of TRANSPORTED. The story is engaging and the characters are appealing. It has been a long time since I read what I classify as an epic sweeping story over time and distance. TRANSPORTED falls into the epic category.”
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